Sometimes you may find small spots in your mouth and wonder what they are or what caused them. These spots are usually common inside the cheeks, on the gums, tongue, lips, and roof of your mouth. They may be gray, black, or different shades of brown. Mostly they are darker than the surrounding areas. Speaking of brown spots, do you think these formations in your mouth are okay? Let's find out!
A Brown Spot in Your Mouth-What Could it Be?
You are likely to come across a brown colored spot in your mouth while inspecting your teeth in the mirror. Or your dentist may point out a similar problem while examining you as usual. If you notice one or several brown spots inside your mouth, lips, or gums, you should promptly inform your dentist. The dentist will advise you on the possible remedy to use to eliminate those spots or tell you if they are harmless or not. In most cases, they may appear due to inadvertently biting a section of your mouth while eating, chewing, or talking. The injury may cause the tiny blood vessels to break and leak some blood that clots under the surface. In this case, this injury will create a brown freckle in the form of a blood blister.
If you notice that this spot is not growing bigger and getting darker with time, you should give time to heal on its own. It could be as normal as any other injury that heals by itself. But if you discover any signs of swelling, pain, or a sudden change in size and color, you should let your dentist know in advance. The dentist will help you solve this problem by evaluating and attending to it or advising you what to do next. Call us or visit our office to learn more about what causes brown spots in the mouth and how you can control them.
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